I was trying to recall exactly the first time I saw and heard the KRAKEN subs; I am pretty sure it was some announcements leading up to a Winter NAMM Show. and then in the Demo room a few weeks later.

This was back when they would set up a ton of speakers and line arrays in an arena with set times to demonstrate by brand. And every time the KRAKEN demo happened there would be the look between people’s eyes of disbelief. Maybe shock, possibly delight but regardless it was unlike any experience before.  We then had the opportunity to Co-Host a DJ Social in which Bass Boss provided all the sound.

I think everybody that came in that night to hear the epic line up of DJs all left that party with a little a little roof dust on their heads. I don’t think that Hilton ball room had even shaken that hard. It was AWESOME!  We had hopes of adding them to our product line up at that time, but things just did not line up correctly. So, with the opportunity to offer them now, we jumped on it.

Having only limited opportunities to listen to the entire line up in anything other than the Chaos of a trade show, or while hosting an event I wanted to dig a little deeper, talk to some users and like you do some research. In all the people I talked to everyone provided very similar feedback...

“They’re amazing”, “Nothing else sounds this good”, “so much power even from a small box”, and “with these tops I can do big rooms without subs.”

What I could not find is anybody that had a negative or bad thing to say about the MK3 versions of speaker. Now offering a fully upgradeable DSP you can get updates and refine the systems along with some precision controls for installations and large rigs.
If you have been on the edges looking in wanting to upgrade to something truly ground shaking Bass Boss and your friends here at agiprodj are here to assist. Check out the line up and be sure to follow us for exclusive specials and bundle offers.

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